Jadran Boban is a documentary filmmaker living in Zagreb, Croatia. He has directed several documentary films and documentary Tv series. The films include That Other Village, released in 2020., No One's which has won The best documentary film award at Tuzla film Festival (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and The Ghosts of Zagreb which has won Special Mention at Liburnia Film Festival (Croatia). Currently, he is working on two full-feature documentary films.
Brojka Produkcija
Petero ljudi, odraslo u Zagrebu prije II. svjetskog rata, u jednom su trenutku sasvim različiti razlozi doveli u situaciju da postanu pripadnici ilegalnog antifašističkog pokreta. U zalaz svojih života oni kreću na putovanje, od Martinovke ka Botaničkom vrtu, nekada radničkim naseljima Trešnjevke i centrom Zagreba. Šetajući zagrebačkim ulicama oni emotivno, bez imalo ideološkog fraziranja, prip...
18. LFF
, Opatija Summer Stage
(World Premiere)
Hidden in the outskirts of Europe, nested between two mountains in Eastern Croatia, lays a village that changed twice its name, population and its own history. This village, that has two cemeteries, is immersed in numerous unspoken and conflicting memories passed on from generation to generation. Recollection of past inter-ethnic conflicts is being transformed as to forever keep a seed of futur...