„Nije ti život pjesma Havaja“
- Title: „Nije ti život pjesma Havaja“
- Year of production: 2012
- Duration: 50`
- Director: Dana Budisavljević
- Camera: Ana Opalić, Tamara Cesarec, Eva Kraljević
- Editing: Marko Ferković, Dana Budisavljević
- Music: Christian Biegai
- Producers: Olinka Vištica , Sophie de Hijes
- Production: Hulahop
Sjećate li se kada ste zadnji put razgovarali s roditeljima? O čemu ste razgovarali? Jeste li otišli korak dalje od vremenske prognoze i dnevne politike? Pet godina nakon zadnjeg susreta rođendanska proslava ponovno okuplja članove obične četveročlane obitelji. Počinju se pitati zašto su okrenuli leđa jedni drugima... Može li im razgovor o zakopanim obiteljskim tajnama pomoći da ubuduće jedu bez grča u želucu? Može li im neuspjela rođendanska torta pomoći da prevladaju prošlost?
Film kroz rituale obiteljskih objeda govori o tome koliko je važno osjećati da nas prihvaćaju oni koje volimo.
Do you remember when was the last time you talked to your parents? What was the conversation about? Did you discuss the same old the weather forecast and daily politics or did you take a step further? Five years after the last gathering, a birthday party brings an ordinary four member family together. They start questioning what made them turn their backs on each other... Can a conversation about the long-buried family secrets help them have a meal that doesn't get stuck in their throats? Can a failed birthday cake help them overcome their past? Through the ritual of family meals the film tells us how important it is to feel accepted by our loved ones.
O redatelju:
Dana Budisavljević rođena je u Zagrebu 1975. godine. Diplomirala je filmsku i televizijsku montažu na zagrebačkoj Akademiji dramskih umjetnosti. Radila je kao montažer, redatelj i producent kreativnih dokumentarnih filmova i TV-serija. Pet godina radila je za dokumentarni filmski projekt Factum kao pomoćnica, a kasnije i kao zamjenica direktora Nenada Puhovskog s kojim je 2005. pokrenula ZagrebDox. S kolegicom Olinkom Višticom 2006. je osnovala filmsku i umjetničku produkciju Hulahop. Na listi njene filmografije nalaze se „Dianina lista“ ( u razvoju), „Nije ti život pjesma Havaja“ (2012.), „Mijenjam svijet“ (2007.-2011.), „Veliki brodolomi hrvatskog Jadrana“ (2006.-2007.), „Sve pet“ (2005.).
About the director:
Dana Budisavljević was born in Zagreb in 1975. She graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb in the Department of Film and TV Editing, worked as editor, director and producer of creative documentary films and TV series. Having worked as an assistant for Factum documentary film project for five years, she became a deputy director and, together with Nenad Puhovski, founded ZagrebDox Documentary Film Festival in 2005. Together with her colleague Olinka Vištica, in 2006 Dana founded Hulahop Film and Art Production. Her filmography-list includes "Diana’s List“ (in progress), "Family Meals“ (2011), "How I Can Change the World“ (2007-2011), "Great Shipwrecks of the Adriatic Sea“ (2006-2007) and "Everything’s Fine“ (2005) that won the Grand Prix at the Croatian Film Days, the Human Rights Award at the Sarajevo Film Festival and was screened at IDFA and many other festivals.
- 2012. - 5. Festival mediteranskog filma (Split, Hrvatska)
- 2012. - Sarajevo film festival (Sarajevo, BiH)
- Dani hrvatskog filma 2012. - Specijalno priznanje
- Dokufest 2012., Prizren - Best Balkan Documentary
- Zagreb Dox 2012. - Posebno priznanje
- Zagreb Dox 2012. - Nagrada publike