Diptych: From Love To Love

- Title: Diptych: From Love To Love
- Year of production: 2022
- Duration: 27`
- Director: Vlasta Delimar
- Screenwriter: Vlasta Delimar
- Camera: Denis Golenja, Kruno Povijač, Milan Božić
- Sound: Denis Golenja
- Editing: Denis Golenja
- Music: Laibach , Josipa Lisac
- Producer: Vlasta Delimar
- Production: Studio Render
"Diptych: From Love To Love" is a culmination of the project 40 Years of Vlasta Delimar’s Artistic Love. The video is conceived as a collage of photographs and video clips (documents of the performance) of written and spoken sentences of own thoughts and attitudes made from beginnings in 1978 all the way to 2021.