Prebaci na Hrvatski

26.08. :0

Mula, Roots bound together

26.08. :0

Homesickness is a dream of belonging, being once FROM a place and not AT a place.
- Zygmunt Bauman

In first sequences, the author of this film is showing her parents handing over their books to her and her own review of their heritage. She is placing both of her parents in the role of observers and narrators while they are watching old recordings of them that the author shot three years ago. The author is showing her gratitude to them while at the same time saying goodbye to their legacy. She is spending time with her mother in their garden while drawing the plants her mother cultivated and she is talking to her father while he is watching old videos of himself dressing up for work. In both situations we can see their relations revealing their intimacy and their distance in an essayistic and subtle manner. Through the moving act of self observing and positioning therole of labor, work and artistic vocation in the constellation mother, father and daughter, we see a bridge building inside a family.

born in 1981 in Rijeka, Croatia. Graduated from the School for Applied Art and Design in Rijeka in 2001 and the same year enrolled in the Faculty for Textile Technology in Zagreb, Fashion Design, which she finished in 2010. In 2010 she finished her BA at theGraphics Department of the Academyof Fi...
Festivals where it was shown:
Awards and recongitions
  • 6. festival etnografskog filma - priznanje za poseban doprinos etnografskom filmu