- Naslov: „L.E.F.“
- Godina proizvodnje: 2011
- Trajanje: 9`
- Redatelj: Goran Trbuljak
- Scenarist: Goran Trbuljak
- Snimatelj: Bau (Berlin), Rosalie Hübl (Mexico City), Antoni-Jordi Owusu (Accra), Bruno Reart (Paris), Kong Qui (Shanghai), Grgur Kulijaš , Goran Trbuljak
- Montažer: Višnja Skorin , 3D2D Animatori
- Producent: Nenad Puhovski
- Produkcija: Factum
Turobna društvena stvarnost na različitim meridijanima i paralelama izbija iz svakog kadra rubno eksperimentalnog dokumentarca L.E.F. Gorana Trbuljaka. U kontrastu s naslovom koji je izvorni akronim glasovitog slogana Francuske revolucije o jednakosti, bratstvu i slobodi, autor nam u svega 9 minuta prikazuje drugačije i tjeskobnije „pobratimstvo lica u svemiru“, ono siromašnih i nesretnih ljudi koji diljem svijeta kopaju po kontejnerima i kantama za smeće, prebirući po otpacima i ostacima hrane.
In less than ten minutes, in his sharp, critical and pungent style, Trbuljak deals with some of the most important problems of the modern world: its internal structure, injustice and the attitude towards the ideals of the French Revolution, which are nowadays still, if only declaratively, invoked by many. The film consists of several scenes, shot in various cities on various continents, all depicting the same: waste containers and people digging out food scraps and junk. Container lids slide open, each of them unveiling one of the three words of the well-known 'triptych': “Liberté, égalite, fraternité”. The author is raising the question, whether the meaning of these words has changed up to the present day?
O redatelju:
Goran Trbuljak rođen je 1948. godine. Studirao je na Likovnoj akademiji u Zagrebu, gdje je 1972. godine diplomirao na Grafičkom odsjeku. Nakon dvije godine usavršavanja slikarstva na Likovnoj akademiji u Parizu (École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts) vratio se u Zagreb, gdje je 1980. godine diplomirao snimanje na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti. Od 1988. stalno djeluje kao profesor na Odsjeku snimanja iste škole. Kao direktor fotografije snimio je 25 igranih filmova. Uz film bavi se fotografijom, videom i slikarstvom. Dobitnik je brojnih nagrada za svoje stvaralaštvo.
About the director:
In less than ten minutes, in his sharp, critical and pungent style, Trbuljak deals with some of the most important problems of the modern world: its internal structure, injustice and the attitude towards the ideals of the French Revolution, which are nowadays still, if only declaratively, invoked by many. The film consists of several scenes, shot in various cities on various continents, all depicting the same: waste containers and people digging out food scraps and junk. Container lids slide open, each of them unveiling one of the three words of the well-known 'triptych': “Liberté, égalite, fraternité”. The author is raising the question, whether the meaning of these words has changed up to the present day?
- 2012. - Zagreb Dox - Factumentarci (Zagreb, Hrvatska)
- 2012. - Sarajevo film festival (Sarajevo, BiH)
- 2012. - Dani hrvatskog filma (Zagreb, Hrvatska)