Marko Paradžik

Marko Paradžik was born in 1991. in BiH, but after just a few months escaped to Germany with his family because of the Homeland War. Five years later he moved to Kastav, Croatia. After finishing high school, he started his education at the IT collage in Rijeka. During his time as a student, he entered a movie industry where he got a few small parts in foreign commercials and movies. In 2016. he continued his education in a private academy of videoproduction called MPA in Zagreb where he learned and improved his knowledge about filming and editing. After finishing the academy, he worked as a cameraman on different projects such as music video for a song called „Klovn“ by S.A.R.S., documentary film „Focus on Peoples Exile“ which was filmed in Paris etc. He also worked in production department for several American movies filmed in Croatia. After meeting an adventurist named Oleg Medica who told him about his trip to Middle East, they started working on a documentary „Yalla Yalla".