Barbara Babačić was born in Rijeka in 1978. She graduated in Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka, and is currently studying for a Doctorate in Literature, Performing Arts, Film and Culture in Zagreb. She worked on a number of cultural projects and collaborated with numerous associations and institutions, among which the European Capital of Culture 2020, HNK Ivan pl. Zajc, OpArt, Žmergo and Filmaktiv. She made her debut with the film Settlers - Our New Armed Neighbors.
«The Settlers - Our New Armed Neighbours» is a documentary that deals with the Jewish occupation of the Palestinian territory in the West bank. The politics of colonization of that territory is illegal by the International law, nonetheless, the settlements are growing each day while the settlers are walking around armed, terrorizing the local community. This fact has been continuously ignored b...
izvan konkurencije / out of competition
, regionale
, Villa Antonio
"Silver Women" is an intense portrait of Bolivian women who live a miserable life in a mining community near the city of Potosi. Filmed over the course of a month in 2014, the film explores women's contribution to the mining economy, while simultaneously problematizing their marginalization and stigmatization within Andean culture. Director Barbara Babačić asks questions about the eco...