„Crossovers“ (Bilk, Jaki Liebezeit & Burnt Friedman)
- Title: „Crossovers“ (Bilk, Jaki Liebezeit & Burnt Friedman)
- Year of production: 2012
- Duration: 21`
- Directors: Ana Šegrt, Romano Perić , Nataša Vujkov , Milica Jovčić
- Camera: Milan Milosavljević , Vanda Volić , Milica Jovčić , Romano Perić
- Sound: Filip Meštrović
- Editing: Nataša Vujkov , Zlata Vojnić-Kortmis , Ana Šegrt, Romano Perić , Milica Jovčić
- Music: Jaki Liebezeit&Burnt Friedman , Bilk
- Producers: Petar Mitrić , Toni Šarić
- Production: Otvoreni univerzitet Subotica , Udruga ljubitelja filma RARE Vinkovci
Projekt „Crossovers“, ostvaren sredstvima EU, spojio je dva festivala iz Hrvatske i Srbije - Festival evropskog filma Palić i Festivala Dokumentarnog Rock Filma DORF Vinkovci - na radionici dokumentarnog filma. Deset studenata iz Srbije i Hrvatske po prvi su put surađivali na filmu, uz pomoć veterana glazbenog filma Ulija M. Schuppela (redatelja koncerta Nicka Cavea & the Bad Seeds „The Road to God Knows Where“ iz 1990.) i Davida Kleijwegta (dokumentarac „You May Need a Murderer“). Sudionici radionice su o filmu i glazbi razgovarali s umjetnicima koji su nastupali u glazbenom programu Palić festivala, uključujući bivšeg člana Bad Seedsa Micka Harveyja te bivše članove Cana Dama Suzukija i Jakija Liebezeita.
U Ičićima će biti prikazan dio na kojem su radili Ana Šegrt i Romano Perić.
Segment „Bilk“ prati mladiće zagrebačkog breakbeat benda u opuštenom razgovoru o odnosu glazbe i pokretnih slika uz par glazbenih brojeva s koncerta.
Jaki Liebzeit svirao je s legendarnim CAN. Burnt je smiksao sve što se smiksati dalo. Našli su se skupa i razvalili.
Project Crossovers - organized with EU funding - connected 2 festivals from Croatia and Serbia (European Film Festival Palić and Festival of music documentaries DORF Vinkovci) with most important activity – music documentary workshop. 10 students from Serbia and Croatia, for the first time collaborated with a help from music film veterans Uli M.Schuppel (director of the 1990 Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds concert film „The Road to God Knows Where“) and David Kleijwegt (the Low documentary „You May Need a Murderer“). 10 participants talked (edited, recorded, filmed etc) to artists performing in the Palić fest’s music program, including Bad Seed Mick Harvey and ex-Can members Damo Suzuki and Jaki Liebezeit, about the film and music, audio and visual.
The film segment "Bilk" is a story about young members of a breakbeat band from Zagreb in a laid-back conversation on the connection between music and moving pictures, accompanied by several concert videos.
Jaki Liebzeit played with the legendary CAN. Burnt mixed every possible sound combination. They got together and rocked on.
O redateljima:
Ana Šegrt je završila kulturologiju, smjer mediologija. Studira Informacijske znanosti u Zadru. Radi u Art-kinu Croatia. Filmom se bavi amaterski (putovanja, prosvjedi i koncerti).
Ana Šegrt graduated in Cultural studies in the Department of Mediology, and is now studying Information science in Zadar. She works as a program and media associate in Art-kino Croatia. As an amateur filmmaker, Ana has so far documented several journeys, protests and concerts. As part of a workshop organized by the documentary film association Filmaktiv, she co-directed the film ²Rock 'n' wool² that was screened at the 5th LFF.
Romano Perić, rođen 1985., završio je studije kulturologije pri Filozofskom fakultetu u Rijeci, gdje je trenutno na diplomskim studijama na smjeru mediologija. Završio radionicu filma i montaže udruge Filmaktiv (2002./03.), gdje 2007./08. radi kao voditelj radionice. Radio na realizaciji filmskih festivala, snimao dokumentarne filmove i video radove.
Romano Perić, born in 1985, graduated in Cultural studies from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, where he is currently finishing his graduate studies in the Department of Mediology. Having attended their film and editing workshop in 2002/03, he worked as a workshop moderator for the documentary film association Filmaktiv in 2007/08. So far, he has worked for film festivals and recorded documentaries and videos.