Prebaci na Hrvatski

27.08. :0

The Cover Story

27.08. :0

In 2013, Croatia has entered its fifth year of recession, with an unemployment rate of 20 percent. It joined the European Union and conservative activists banned gay marriages in Croatia. But the most popular news in 2013, according to Croatian websites, was the tragic death of Dolores Lambaša. The young actress was very keen on trying to get the public to like her, but wasn’t successful in her efforts. Everyone loved to hate her. The documentary observes the final year of the young actress’s life and her intense relationship with the media.

Silvana Menđušić (1967) worked as a TV reporter for political magazines and news on Croatian Radio and TV Network. She was also the Editor in Chief of the Croatian edition of Cosmopolitan and Grazia, in charge of the Online Video News project at the EPH publishing house, launched a viso news agen...
Festivals where it was shown: