Branko Vilus

Branko Vilus was born in Zagreb in 1973, where he finished School for Applied Arts and Design and the Faculty of Teacher Education. As a project leader of the «World Cleanup» he started making short activist video materials. Since 2002 he's been working as a cameraman, editor and director on the projects for several shows for Croatian national television (HTV), Nova TV, Croatian Film Association and for Associated Press, as well as projects for T-com, Vidi-tv, Unicef, UNDP and others. Since 2004 he has been working as an educator in the programme of Restart video education. He is the founder of the Sisak Eco Film Festival. His first documentary film «President Train» (2009) was screened at six international festivals and won the Award for the best documentary film at the Luksuz Festival in Krško (Slovenia). «Salt, Olive, Stone» (2013) is his second documentary.