Morana Komljenović
After being engaged in various activist initiatives in the Balkan region, she made her first experimental documentary Naked Soul which premiered at the Sundance film festival in 2001. She worked as a director of photography and editor, but also directed experimental and documentary films such as Grand Hotel Goli otok and Firefly Children. Her first feature documentary BOSANOGA (An Entirely Accidental Death) received a special mention at ZagrebDox in 2012. She works as a television and film producer at Fade In. She is a member of the Croatian Film Association and the Croatian producers association.
U konkurenciji - 10. LFF
„Bosanoga (sasvim slučajna smrt)“ govori o nizu događaja koji su 1981. godine obilježili generaciju mladih u Rijeci i koji su ostali nerazjašnjeni, ali i dalje žive u društvenom tkivu grada. Ishodište filma je pogibelj Nenada Vižina koji je posljedicom brutalnosti tadašnjeg sistema izgubio život. Ta nasilna smrt bila je katalizator jedinstvenog fenomena u povijesti bivše Jugoslavije: 300 građan...
Sometimes even the biggest fear leads to deliverance. The end of an era in the life of a cult alternative club, for some means crash but for some just a mere new beginning. After 45 years of activities, the club is closing its door.Without portraying the history of the club, the film follows the emotional process which the employees and managers of the club are going through, counting down the...