ELVIS LENIĆ, born in 1971 in Pula. Graduated mechanical engineering at the Technical Faculty in Rijeka, worked for a while at the Uljanik Shipyard, and now teaches
mechanical group of subjects at the Pula Technical School. He is a permanent film critic of The Voice of Istria newspaper, and occasionally writes for the Croatian Film Chronicle. Author of many short and medium-length documentaries.
SHIP/BROD (65 min, 2023)
MEAT/MESO (18 min, 2018)
9. JANUAR, documentary (15 min, 2015)
PROLOGUE/PROLOG, experimental (7 min, 2014)
ETHAN, experimental (8 min 30 sec, 2013)
HUNT/LOV (39 min, 2007)
STABLE/TEZA (10 min, 2004)
GOURDS/CUKI (10 min, 2001)
OFF Program - 10. LFF
Dokumentarni film „Drug Ferlin“ portret je nesvakidašnjeg vodnjanskog umirovljenika, 80-godišnjeg Antona Ferlina kojeg kamera prati u njegovoj vrlo aktivnoj svakodnevnici ističući njegove generacijske, zavičajne i osobne posebnosti. Tako se slojevitim pristupom ističe i povezanost glavnog lika s mnogim aktualnim društvenim problemima i pitanjima – antifašizam, radništvo i kapitalizam, lokalni i...
The beginning of a biggest and most important adventure.
, Opatija Summer Stage
Samostalna produkcija
On 9 January 1944, fascists came to the Istrian village Bokordići. They burnt houses and killed adult villagers. The surviving inhabitants, who were children at the time, recollect the tragic night and reconstruct the story that is seven decades old through their narrations.
16. LFF
, Program
, World premiere
, Opatija Summer Stage
(World Premiere)
Traditional customs of Istria. Singing. Gastro pleasure. All this in the ancient ritual of pig slaughter. What is the significance of meat today? Can we give up on its utilitarian rudimentary due to political, ecological, nutritional and other contemporary trends?!
17. LFF
, Opatija Summer Stage
The story of the traditional competition in ''Plufism'', a discipline in which the sound of the rock thrown into the water is valued. It is held in the Lim Channel on the west coast of Istria. This is the movie that says - you can't go crazy if you are already mad!
19. LFF
, Opatija Summer Stage
"Monologue about Pula" is a short documentary-experimental film inspired by the cult film "Monologue about Split" directed by Ivan Martinac. The film lasts the same as "Monologue about Split", exactly 7 minutes and 21 seconds, uses the same music - Ravel's "Bolero" and the same ratio and length of individual sequences, and is edited entirely from film mat...
Opatija Summer Stage
After more than 160 years of existence and numerous magnificent ships that sailed from its facility, the Pula shipyard "Uljanik" became a graveyard of abandoned workshops, steel wrecks and unmovable cranes. In this post-apocalypse landscape, which today is inhabited by loud seagulls, half-starved cats and crayfish, we are caught up with the emotional testimonies of former workers.