My World is Upsied Down

- Title: My World is Upsied Down
- Year of production: 2016
- Duration: 74`
- Director: Petra Seliškar
- Screenwriter: Petra Seliškar
- Camera: Brand Ferro
- Sound: Vladimir Rakić
- Editing: Dorijan Milovanović, Vladimir Gojun
- Music: Kimmo Pohjonen, Tomaž Pengov, John Bonnar, Robert Fisher, Chris Eckman, Hugo Race, Bernays Propaganda, Toni Kitanovski, Jani Hace, Josipa Lisac, Cidadela des Artes, John Parish
- Producers: Petra Seliškar, Brand Ferro, Oliver Sertić, Petrula Veljanovska, Chris Eckman, Petra Trampuž Bočevska, Tibor Keser
- Production: Petra Pan Film Production , Restart , PPFP
"My world is upside down" is a music documentary film, a combination of live performances by leading alternative musicians around the world playing Ježek's songs and his amazing archive material from the 1960s to the 1980s. Frane Milčinski Ježek was a popular actor, a timeless writer and a unique performer. He has kept his public even as a prisoner, as a person who has always lived on the edge, a poet and above all, the master of the song. Poor as a church mouse, as well as most authors of its dimensions, Ježek has combined irony and comedy to capture the surface of reality, always on the side of "little man".
- 2016. - Makedox (Skopje)
- 2016. - Festival slovenskog filma (Portorož)
- 2016. - Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe) (Ljubljana)
- 2017. - South East European Film Festival (Los Angeles)
- 2017. - Festival mediteranskog filma Split (Split)
- SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN FILM FESTIVAL 2017, Los Angeles,Nagrada za najbolju fotografiju u dokumentarnom filmu
- SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN FILM FESTIVAL 2017, Los Angeles - Posebno priznanje žirija