Prebaci na Hrvatski

„Veliki dan“


Vjenčanje je poseban događaj u životu. Tradicionalno vjenčanje zahtijeva duge i detaljne pripreme. Ovaj film prikazuje što su mladi spremni prihvatiti, koliko ih sve to košta i u čemu ne može biti kompromisa kada se radi o vlastitu vjenčanju. Na njihovim željama razvija se i tržište koje te potrebe zadovoljava.


Wedding is a special occurrence in life. A traditional wedding requires a lengthy period of detailed preparation. This film discusses what young people are ready to accept, how much they are willing to pay and why there's no place for compromise when it comes to their weddings. The wedding industry is developing in order to adapt to their customers' wishes and meet their needs. There are people who make wedding dreams come true – on 'The Big Day'.

O redatelju: 

Đuro Gavran rođen je 1982. u Bjelovaru. Godine 2007. diplomirao je na Grafičkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (smjer dizajn grafičkog proizvoda). Godine 2007. upisuje magisterij na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu – Filmska i TV režija (smjer dokumentarni film). Izlagao je na tri samostalne, tridesetak skupnih domaćih i međunarodnih izložbi i na desetak filmskih festivala. Sudjelovao je u osnivanju i radu kreativnog kolektiva N,JAB – Novi, jako alternativni bend. Jedan je od osnivača udruge Priroda i društvo koja se bavi promicanjem prirodnih, društvenih i kulturnih vrijednosti. Živi i radi u Zagrebu kao slobodni umjetnik u području multimedije (dizajn, fotografija, kamera, dokumentarni film). Dosad je radio na filmovima „Kelti“ (2011.), „Bojan“ (2010.) i „Glassballetdancer“(2005.). Bio je snimatelj na filmovima Igora Bezinovića „Nepovratno“ (2009.) i „Nadprosječan“ (2008.).

About the director:

Đuro Gavran was born in 1982 in Bjelovar. In 2007, he graduated in graphic product design from the Faculty of Graphic Design at the University of Zagreb. In the same year, he enrolled in a MA course Film and TV directing (documentary film) at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. So far he has had three solo and around thirty group exhibitions, both national and international, and has participated in a dozen film festivals. He co-founded and worked for a creative collective called N,JAB – Novi, jako alternativni bend (New, Very Alternative Band). N,JAB is a movement (Njabism) whose followers express their ideas, thoughts and emotions regardless of the medium, knowledge of the medium and final results. He was also one of the founders of the Nature & Society Association that promotes natural, social and cultural values. He lives and works in Zagreb as a multimedia freelancer (design, photography, camera, documentary). His filmography includes "The Celts“ (2011), "Bojan“ (2010) and "Glassballetdancer“ (2005). He worked as a cinematographer on Igor Bezinović’s films "Non-refundable" (2009) and "Above Average" (2008).

Đuro Gavran (1982, Bjelovar) gained the Master's Degree in Film and TV direction (direction: documentary) at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb, as well as Design at the Graphic College, University of Zagreb. He is the author of around ten documentaries and two experimental films. His film „Ve...
Festivals where it was shown:
Awards and recongitions
  • Dani hrvatskog filma 2012. - Velika nagrada za najbolji film 21. DHF-a (Grand Prix)
  • Dani hrvatskog filma 2012. - Za najbolju režiju