"Gospođa Vladlena"
- Title: "Gospođa Vladlena"
- Year of production: 2011
- Duration: 14`
- Director: Neda Radić
- Screenwriter: Neda Radić
- Camera: Igor Vincetić
- Editing: Iva Mrkić
- Music: Vedran Živković, Ivan Šaravanja, Ivana Ljubičić
- Producer: Neda Radić
- Production: Akademija dramske umjetnosti
Gospođa Vladlena rođena je u jeku Drugoga svjetskog rata. Roditelji su joj poginuli, pa ju je, u Zagrebu, odgojila baka. Sa smrću roditelja Vladlenine patnje međutim nisu prestale, dapače, tek počinju.
U Zagrebu, u istom stanu u kojemu proživjela cijeli svoj život, Vladlena nam pripovijeda što je sve njezin život učinilo tako zanimljivim.
Mrs. Vladlena was born at the height of World War II. As her parents were killed, Vladlena grew up in Zagreb with her grandmother. However, her suffering doesn't stop there. In her Zagreb apartment, where she has lived her whole life, Vladlena tells us what made her life so interesting.
O redatelju:
Neda Radić rođena je 1986. godine u Zagrebu. Maturirala je u Klasičnoj gimnaziji 2005. godine, a 2007. upisala je studij Filmske i TV režije na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu. U sklopu studija snimila je 13 kratkih igranih i dokumentarnih filmova. Njezini kratki igrani filmovi „Room Service“ i „Mi na suncu“ prikazani su na 58. festivalu igranog filma u Puli, a „Room Service“ nagrađen je, prema izboru žirija mladih filmofila, nagradom za najbolji hrvatski kratki igrani film.
About the director:
Neda Radić was born in Zagreb in 1986. She completed secondary education in 2005 and enrolled into Film and TV Directing studies at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. During her studies, she has directed 13 short feature and documentary films. Her short films “Room Service“ and “We in the Sun“ were screened at the 58th Film Festival in Pula, whereby the former won the Croatian Short Film Award by the Young Film-lovers' Jury.