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Case study – “Naked island”

08.08.2016 21:06

Feature film Naked island (75’) is a private testimony of a family about a historical-political trauma. It took 6 years for it to be made, 2 and a half of which were dedicated to movie editing.

Director and screenwriter Tiha K. Gudac and film editor Dragan von Petrović will be talking about the film.

Some of the topics covered include: reasons for approaching a political-historical topic through a personal approach; challenge of combining subjective and formal history into a narrative line; creating documentary about a lead protagonist who is no longer alive and has never discussed the topic of the movie; approaching and “translating” local history to the international audience; building of a film story and exchanging dynamics as a basis of rhythm; working with voice over and with a “non-existent archive”; ethical dilemmas in working with personal traumas of protagonists and historical crimes; building a visual style on a film based on in-depth interviews; short analysis of the production model (financing, international pitching forums, international rough-cut programs).

Case study will take place on 12 August, 18:00. Before the case study, we will be watching Naked island (screening starts at 16:30).