
- Title: Confusions
- Year of production: 2016
- Duration: 72`
- Director: Lana Kosovac
- Screenwriters: Matija Drniković, Lana Kosovac
- Camera: Sven Mihaljević, Ema Giunio
- Sound: Tihomir Vrbanec
- Editing: Urša Vlahušić
- Music: Bojan Rokvić
- Producers: Gordana Vnuk, Borna Baletić
- Production: Eurokaz , Akademija dramske umjetnosti
Young actors, a premiere in New York, cooperation with the well known director on a challenging theater show. Inexperienced film crew follows a preparation for a premiere that lasted for a several months, but simultaneously experiences production 'confusions' so they are turned to protagonists as well. Both teams, a film and a theater crew will experience pressures and expectations at the starting point of their future professional lives. Film that started as 'making of' has developed to a creative documentary.