Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
- Title: Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
- Year of production: 2015
- Duration: 27`
- Director: Neven Hitrec
- Screenwriters: Davor Šišmanović, Neven Hitrec
- Camera: Dragan Marković
- Sound: Dubravka Premar, Gordan Fučkar, Ivan Zelić
- Editing: Slaven Zečević
- Music: Darko Hajsek
- Producer: Vera Robić-Škarica
- Production: Hrvatski filmski savez
All the imperfections of a young democracy hang in the balance like a black cloud over the term of the president of the "Stuka" ("Pike") Fishing Association.
The problems are piling up and the solutions are long overdue.
How to move forward in such conditions?
Maybe reverse is a good direction?
We should drink some wine with mineral water and be constructive about this.
Oh, democracy, who ever invented you?!
- 2015. - 24th Croatian Film Days (Zagreb, Croatia)
- 2015. - 11th ZagrebDox (Zagreb, Croatia)