Prebaci na Hrvatski

Dear Me, First Person Singular Masculine


The movie is comprised of five parts tackling the question of love and partnership.

The idea came from the «Northern Exposure» serial, more specifically from the episode «Maggie turns 30», in which the main female protagonist turns 30 and realizes that her love life has been a complete disaster because all of her ex boyfriends had died in the most bizarre ways. Convinced that by the age of 30, a woman should have it all figured out, Maggie gets depressed. But then comes Ed Chigliak who tells her the story of an old Native American ritual, according to which everyone has a
chance to say goodbye to the deceased if they write them a letter and send it down the river to the Other World. 

Inspired by this ritual, at the age of 29, feeling somewhat like Maggie, I am writing letters to my ex boyfriends and throwing them into the rivers flowing through Croatian towns that bear some reference to my relationships.

I am documenting the whole process: my travelling to the rivers, the act of writing and sending the letters, while I randomly interview passengers. I ask them about love and relationships, trying to understand their thoughts and feelings.

As all the rivers eventually flow into the sea, the final scenes are filmed on the boat with my father. I am dealing with important male figures in my life, finally solving the issues with the male archetype in myself, trying to find some inner courage for a conclusion.

born in 1981 in Rijeka, Croatia. Graduated from the School for Applied Art and Design in Rijeka in 2001 and the same year enrolled in the Faculty for Textile Technology in Zagreb, Fashion Design, which she finished in 2010. In 2010 she finished her BA at theGraphics Department of the Academyof Fi...
Festivals where it was shown: